Bubble Wrap

Small and Large Rolls

All our bubble wrap rolls are now made with 30% recycled content. They are available in 300mm, 500mm, 600mm, 750mm, 1200mm, 1500mm and 2000mm wide rolls. Feature either a standard small diameter bubble (10mm) or a large diameter bubble (25mm or 1"). Made with 30% recycled content which gives the bubble wrap a slight greyish tint when wrapped on the roll, although the tint is barely visible on a single layer.

Please contact us for prices 

Stock Sizes


100 metres small bubble - 50 metres large bubble


100 metres small bubble - 50 metres large bubble


100 metres small bubble - 50 metres large bubble


100 metres small bubble - 50 metres large bubble


100 metres small bubble - 50 metres large bubble


100 metres small bubble - 50 metres large bubble


100 metres small bubble only

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